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We are pleased to extend our warmest congratulations to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his successful re-election as the President of the Republic of Turkiye. On behalf Movement for an Informed Society Malaysia (WADAH), we commend President Erdogan for his victory and the trust placed in him by the Turkish people.

The announcement of his win in the presidential election run off coincides with the celebration of the 570th anniversary of the conquest of Constantinople by Sultan Muhammad al Fatih on 29 May 1453. President Erdogan’s triumph is momentous and meaningful for the Islamic world especially in these daunting times.

The recent election process in Turkiye has showcased the commitment of its citizens to democratic values and principles. The active participation and enthusiasm demonstrated by the Turkish people reflect their belief in the democratic process and their desire to shape thefuture of their nation.

President Erdogan’s re-election is a testament to his leadership and the accomplishments achieved during his tenure. Under his guidance, Turkiye has made significant strides in various sectors, including economic development, infrastructure, and social welfare. President Erdogan’s commitment to strengthening Turkey’s democratic institutions and promoting social
harmony has been instrumental in fostering stability and progress.

WADAH remains committed to working closely with the Government of Turkiye. For our nation, Erdogan’s close and personal relationship with our Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim shall be beneficial for both the people of Türkiye and Malaysia. We are confident that under President Erdogan’s leadership, Turkey will continue to play a vital role in regional and global affairs, contributing to peace, stability, and progress.

Once again, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his re-election victory. We wish him every success as he continues to lead the Republic of Turkiye towards a brighter and more prosperous future for all its citizens.

Dato’ Hj Ahmad Azam Ab Rahman,
Movement for an Informed Society Malaysia (WADAH)

Kenyataan Media|Kenyataan Media - English

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