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04th APRIL 2023

The Movement for an Informed Society Malaysia (WADAH) is concerned and grieved by reports of a hunger strike by Rached Ghannouchi, legitimate Speaker of Tunisia’s Parliament and leader of the Ennahda Party.

It is understood that Mr. Ghannouchi has decided to go on hunger strike, in solidarity with all political prisoners imprisoned unjustly, and in solidarity with the hunger strike led by Jaouhar Ben Mbarek, who began a hunger strike on September 25.

Together they condemn arbitrary arrests of political opposition figures and illegal use of the judiciary and security agencies to punish anyone who opposes usurpation of power by Kais Saied and the destructive policies of terrorizing and starving the Tunisian people.

WADAH urges the regime of Kais Saied to release immediately Mr. Ghannouchi and all political prisoners unjustly held in detention.

WADAH appeals for the full restoration of democracy, freedom, social justice, human dignity and human rights in Tunisia and all its democratic institutions.

WADAH strong supports consensus and managing political differences through dialogue, and rejecting exclusion, power grabs and forceful domination. All of which Mr. Ghannouchi has consistently called for over many decades of his political struggle for Tunisia as a dignified nation.

WADAH believes and trusts that Mr. Ghannouchi is carrying out this hunger strike not for mere publicity but truly showing his courage of conviction, an unwavering struggle over decades which has seen many martyrs, prisoners, refugees suffer for the sake of Tunisia’s freedom and social justice.


Movement for an Informed Society Malaysia (WADAH)

Kenyataan Media|Kenyataan Media - English

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