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22 November 2023


(The Movement for an Informed Society Malaysia)


The tragic aftermath of 7 October 2023 blitz and subsequent Israeli genocide of Palestinians exposes the abject failure of the International and Regional Agencies that were meant for global peace.

Long years of permanent brutal occupation, exacerbated by Israeli settler terrorism and vile desecration of the holy Masjid al Aqsa fueled the 7 October onslaught. The asymmetric breakout by Hamas fighting out of Gaza, the world’s largest open-air prison or ‘concentration camp’ came as a shock and surprise. This then became a pretext for Israeli textbook genocide and the worst unimpeded massacre of civilians, women and children in recent times. Israel wilfully bombed homes, mosques, schools and hospitals. Israel killed 12,000 people, 1 out of 200 Palestinians in Gaza. 30,000 Palestinians are injured and thousands more are still buried in the bombed-out rubble. Half of them children. Gaza is deprived of all basic essentials, no water, no fuel, no medicines, barely any food.

This mass killing, this grotesque ethnic cleansing has unveiled to the world the foul mask of Israeli Zionism. The Zionist wicked ideology of three tenets:

  • That Israeli Zionist are the ‘chosen people’ who have all the rights and can do no wrong, who are exceptional to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity. They shall never be accountable. They are above the law.
  • That even if Israeli Zionists were the perpetrators, they still play to be the victims. They kill, they hurt, they maim others, they harm Palestinians but still blame them for all the troubles they themselves cause.
  • That the others, especially Palestinians are sub-humans and thus are treated as such. Palestinian lives and dignity mean nothing to Israeli Zionists.

The world has failed

One single nation, the United States of America vetoed and blocked the UN Security Council from calling for a ceasefire even when so many innocent lives were being lost. The UN Security Council is useless and futile.

The UN General Assembly overwhelming voted for a ceasefire with only 14 shameful countries opposing. However, its position is only symbolic and toothless. The UN General Assembly is powerless.

The meetings of Muslim and Arab countries could not even agree on cutting off diplomatic ties to Israel, nor carry out economic measures such as an oil embargo, and cannot even set up a high-powered committee to pressure the adoption of a ceasefire. These Muslim and Arab meetings were predictable and impotent.

Therefore, world peace needs a new global architecture. There are more than 5 nations in the world and the UN Security Council should be dictated by just these five countries based on a relic of the past.

Meanwhile, the United States should not forever be the guarantor and funder of Israeli Zionist mischief and crimes against humanity at the expense of the American taxpayer. The United States has to own up to its culpability and complicity in genocide.




Secretary General

Wadah Pencerdasan Umat Malaysia

Movement for an Informed Society Malaysia (WADAH)

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