WADAH’s Mission
To be a platform for empowering the ummah, with credibility and competence, based on the guidance of the Qur’an and wisdom (al-Hikmah).
WADAH’s Vision
To empower the ummah by raising their awareness and intellectual capacity through the development of quality literature, engaging in high-level intellectual debates and discourse, and delivering clear and firm viewpoints.
7 Pillars of Dakwah
The focus of Wadah Pusat’s work is on the following 7 strategic agendas :
1. Integrity of the Movement’s Institutions
Enhancing the management and quality of dakwah activities through the empowerment of resources, new technologies, and strategic collaborations.
2. Education of the Ummah
Organizing enlightenment (tanwir) activities to increase understanding and awareness of both traditional and contemporary religious, social, and civilizational knowledge, while building efficient and high-quality dakwah cadres.
3. National Dakwah
Addressing the current challenges of dakwah at the national level, including policy evaluation, leadership strengthening, the improvement of cultural and moral values, and other issues of national importance.
4. International Dakwah
Providing consultation services and development support for the needs and challenges of the Muslim ummah at the international level through strategic partnerships at various levels.
6. Social Welfare
Developing social welfare programs to support those in need and affected by hardship, alleviating their burdens and helping to improve the well-being of society.
5. Sustainable Dakwah Funding
Promoting a culture of continuous charitable giving (infaq) among the community through efficient and trustworthy charitable institutions to empower dakwah activities both nationally and internationally.
7. Dakwah Literature
Generating new knowledge and producing scholarly and semi-scholarly works in various formats, suitable for reading, reference, and discourse, to build a true intellectual and knowledge-based culture within society.
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