The establishment of Wadah Pencerdasan Umat Malaysia (WADAH) aims to empower the ummah through efforts to enhance their knowledge, intellectual capacity, and critical thinking, particularly in understanding Islam and addressing important issues they face in society.

WADAH was officially registered by the Registrar of Societies Malaysia on November 9, 2005, with the registration number PPM-003-10-11092005 (Selangor).
WADAH was founded with the following objectives:
Implementing dakwah programs and social awareness initiatives that can enhance the community’s consciousness and sense of responsibility toward religion, race, and country.
Educating the ummah by spreading views and stances on various arising issues based on an Islamic perspective through various existing channels and media.
Conducting training sessions to produce competent da’i (Islamic preachers).
Mobilizing da’i to implement dakwah programs in a more integrated and effective manner.
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